This is a picture of a pair of tap shoes with Savion Glover's signature on the bottom. This picture represents two kinds of literacy, one would be knowledge about who Savion Glover is and why it would be special to have his signature on a pair of tap shoes. (One might remember Savion from his appearances on Sesame Street, or his show Bring in da Noise, Bring in da Funk that came to Minneapolis a few years ago). Or, tap dancing can also involve literacy in that there is a language associated with tap dancing. For example, if I were to write down a small combination such as, "shuffle ball change, shuffle hop step, slurpie" a person who had never taken a tap class before may read it and think of it as gibberish, but on the other hand, a person who had taken a few years of tap may be able to read the combination and perform the steps perfectly without a demonstration. Furthermore, as a dance instructor, I have had to become skilled in writing out choreography for my students in a clear and effective manner.